To those that Pastoring or being a Man of God is for Lazy folks and is No Work…✍🏾
You don’t see Pastoring as a Work; no wonder you are not obeying God’s Word by taking care of your Pastors…✍🏾
Gal.6.6 – Those who are taught the word of God should help their teachers by paying them.
Read it again!!! And now tell me if I am not working because I am a Pastor?…✍🏾
The implications for not taking care of your Pastors, simply means, YOU DON’T SEE THEM OR VALUE THEM AS GOD’S TEACHERS OVER YOUR LIFE.
So before you pick Galatians 6:7 and talk about sowing and reaping, don’t forget before the sowing and reaping, TAKING CARE OF PASTORS was the matter of discussion first ongoing.
So to say, your Pastors are working for and over your Souls, so do well to take care of them physically in ALL GOOD MATERIAL BLESSINGS GOD GIVES YOU, for that is the wage of your Pastors.
And that is also Christian. Just as we hammer on SIN, also don’t forget, not taking care of your Pastors is also a SIN too.
Put your Pastors on your payroll, put them on weekly budgets, monthly budgets, or set up business they can make people cater for them so they can concentrate and operate in Acts 6:4 (PRAYING CONSISTENTLY AND LABOURING IN GOD’S WORD).
Paul called Pastors SOLDIERS. And he admonished that NO SOLDIER entangles himself with CIVILIAN AFFAIR. Meaning your Pastors, as soldiers of Christ can’t just busy themselves about anyhow like a civilian, rather Pastors must always be in God’s presence, studying, praying, fasting and Receiving from God to deliver unto us spiritual virtues and Blessings for our Good.
2Tim.2.4 – And as Christ’s soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in the affairs of this life, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army.
The Church of God should wake up, you don’t need to be given strange revelations before you know it is CHRISTIAN TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PASTORS.
Many Pastors who have gone the way of Balaam, using falsehood and tricks to take money in Churches today are doing it because of all this neglect of this instructions to God’s Church.
Let your Pastors, do well to Pastor you without bitterness, without pain, without regrets, without sorrow… Make it easy for your Pastors to function well and you the one doing that shall surely also be Blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Heb.13.17 – Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this joyfully and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.
If your Pastors are not going about their Pastoring work joyfully, it is not against them, but against you.
You benefit nothing from your Pastors ministry unless you are a partaker of his work, making them and helping them do it with joy by supporting and taking care of them.
Pastor Owusu Ansah Sam
Raising Christocentric Generals to Impact Generations