I. AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST, this is NOT THE TIME TO GIVE up; it is time to fight. You have come this far through the GRACE OF God, and that same Grace will carry you through this violent warfare. All those who seek your fall shall be as chaff before the wind. Who is seeking your fall? Hard times? Unemployment? Emptiness? Nakedness? Who is that uncircumcised person seeking your fall? David will enter the battlefield. God has anointed your David to enter the battlefield to bring you renewed hope in the Lord. David will turn your face from focusing on the mockers, the giants, the sickness, and the problems to looking up to GOD. David is your destiny changer.
II. BRETHREN, David and the angel of the Lord shall violently chase away that Goliath threatening you daily. The fall of Goliath has been set forth through Christ Jesus, as you take that step of faith. The angel of the Lord shall persecute all those pursuing you. You will no longer run in fear and trembling, turn, face those Goliaths, and run after them; they will now begin to flee from your presence, for they shall see the divine power of God at work in your favour.
III. SON OF MAN: Wickedness shall not triumph over goodness. The LORD has taken hold of the shield and the buckler and is standing up for us this month. God will also draw out the spear and stop those who persecute us before the end of the year. You will win your battles against those who persecute you. The personality attacks are over. You will not stand alone anymore, for God is right beside you. God is affirming unto our soul: He is our salvation; He is our healer; He is our deliverer; He is our redeemer. Yes, God is our sufficiency. May the Lord open our spiritual eyes and ears to understand how to violently engage in warfare to ask, seek, and knock.
IV. Daughter of Zion we hit the half-hour mark of the eighth month, I encourage you to cast your burden on the LORD, And He shall sustain you. The challenges are becoming overwhelming, the burden is becoming heavier by the day and the issues are becoming more complicated. You need sustainability measures, and your surest stability strategy is to depend on the LORD. Hand over everything to the LORD and you shall have your peace even in the midst of the storms. Beloved, the LORD will never permit the righteous to be moved. Be assured that the LORD will never allow you to be put to shame. This is a DIVINE BATTLE STRATEGY revealed through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and served to Violent Soldiers through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! The net that the enemy hath hidden to catch you, he shall fall into it. The hunter and accuser of the brethren shall be hunted.
V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION – “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts”.
PRAYER: LORD, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? This is our portion and song for the SEVENTH MONTH OF VIOLENT SPIRITUAL WARFARE ENGAGEMENT.
REF: Psalm 55:22
Psalm 35: 1-16
Matthew 7:7&8
John 14:13&14
James 4:3
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