I. DAUGHTER OF ZION, hear thou the WORD OF GOD, the dead man Lazarus came out of the grave with his hands and feet wrapped in strips of linen and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” The grave cloth of old nature must be replaced in order to live up to its new life. Sometimes the path of surrender turns painful initially. Other times, it may get lonely, which is why many are afraid to let go. But when you let go and let God lead, you leave room for Him to move exceedingly abundantly in your life. THE GRAVE CLOTHES OF DISAPPOINTMENT MUST GIVE WAY IN ORDER TO GET APPOINTMENT.
II. SON OF MAN, Christ is ordering you today to unwrap your clothes from the grave and go, for you cannot go ahead with those clothes on. The old state of singlehood must be put behind you to enjoy your marriage. The old way must give way to the new nature; no one can serve two masters. One must give way in order to experience the positive. Get loose and let go; it is time to let go. It is time to part ways. DIVORCE AND EVICT YOUR OLD BAD HABITS, AND ACCOMMODATE, CONCENTRATE, AND BUILD A NEW WAY OF LIFE.
III. COURAGE BROTHER, it is time to let go of the pains of yesterday, let go of the failures, and depart from the grave, for you are a resurrected being. You must separate yourself from unproductive ventures, relationships, habits, and movements. It is your decision time, for no man can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold on to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon.
IV. Beloved in the Lord, today the Lord is at the door of your heart and saith, “Wilt thou be made whole? You have no one to help you, and while you struggle on your own to climb, others put impediments in your way. You are at the point of giving up. Never lose hope; the Lord Jesus Christ has come to redeem you. Jesus Christ commands, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” Get up and walk. This is a DIVINE KINGDOM-FOCUSED ENCOURAGEMENT sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and serving the brethren through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Who is truly in control of your life? The old nature or the new man? Or are you attempting to serve two masters?
V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION – Let go, and all things shall work together for your good according to God’s purpose for your life.
PRAYER: SOVEREIGN LORD, I commit that brother who needs your help to let go into your hands for strength to take that first step. LORD, today I join that sister on her knees for empowerment to part ways with the grave clothes and leave the graveyard. LORD, today I pray that you touch many through your word to rededicate their lives to you only through Christ Jesus’ name – Amen!
REF: John 5:2-9
Luke 5:4-9
John 11:14
Matthew 6:24
Romans 8:28
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