I. Gracious LORD we come empty before you as we begin another journey in a new month, fill our cup like the woman at the well. Father, we have been seeking for things that could not satisfy and then we heard you, our Saviour speaking to us to draw from your well that never shall run dry.
II. Daughter of Zion, this month call on the LORD to fill your cup. Lord, we lift it up before you. We lift our family, our business, our financial needs, marital needs, and health needs before you this month LORD fill these empty cups. Father, please we pray come and quench this thirsting of our soul. Bread of Heaven, we are hungry, feed us till we want no more, fill our cup. Lord this month fill our cup up and make us whole again.
III. Son of Man, let us cry out, Father there are millions in this world who are seeking pleasures earthly goods afford, but we acknowledge that none can match your wondrous treasure stored for us, that we have found in Jesus Christ our Lord. LORD humbly we plea, fill our empty cup for we lift it up before you once again.
IV. So my beloved brother, my beloved sister if the things that this world gives us still leave us with hunger that won’t pass away, then we need to cry out to the blessed Lord to come and save us. My brother, my sister let’s kneel to Him and humbly pray, FILL OUR CUP LORD, FOR WE LIFT IT UP BEFORE YOU. This is a DIVINE MANNA offered through the Authority of Christ Jesus and served to you through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, may this Book, The Bible never depart from our mouth this month, let us, therefore, meditate on it day and night.
V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION – the Lord God, made the heavens and the earth through His great power, therefore, nothing is too difficult for Him, absolutely nothing is too difficult for Him including your situation.
PRAYER: Father may we experience that power of redemption through Christ Jesus in every aspect of our lives this month through Jesus Christ’s name I pray AMEN. THIS MONTH LET US YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GOD’S WORD IN OUR LIVES
Ref: Jessy Dixon
Psalms 3:1-8
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