I. COURAGE SISTER, then the LORD spake unto me, saying, “This is the WORD OF THE LORD unto you this last quarter of the year, saying: NOT BY YOUR MIGHT, NOR BY YOUR POWER. If God says you shall run through, truly and surely you shall run through and celebrate the victory. Stop looking at their strength, for they have no power. Stop counting their resources, for they are surrounded by flesh, and it will definitely fail. But you are running through the troop by the SPIRIT OF GOD, saith the LORD of hosts. Run with boldness, therefore, the race that is set before you. REJOICE EVERMORE AS YOU RUN THROUGH THE TROOP THIS FOURTH QUARTER.
II. SON OF MAN I assure you that, by your God, you shall leap over the barricade and fly over the defensive wall this quarter. Truly, truly, I say unto you, as for God, his way is perfect: the WORD OF THE LORD is tried; God is a buckler to all those that trust in him. Don’t attempt to use any shortcuts; don’t join forces with dubious personalities. God’s way is perfect; use the straight and narrow way. You will get to your destination. The WORD OF GOD is the truth and nothing else. That WORD has been tried, and it is perfect and solid. That WORD cannot fail; it cannot be withdrawn until it has accomplished its purpose. THAT IS THE WORD OF GOD.
III. DAUGHTER OF ZION, I have a message for thee, get ready, for you shall run through a troop this last quarter of the year in order to be victorious at the end of the race. Troops are defense, an army, obstacles, opposing forces, a barricade, and a show of might. The Lord is assuring you this fourth quarter of the year that He, the LORD of Lords, is aware you are going through that troop, and it seems the battle is against you, but stay focused, for you shall overcome. Don’t look at their ammunition; don’t consider the power of their forces; LOOK UP TO YOUR GOD TO DELIVER.
IV. COURAGE BROTHER, GOD HAS PUT power in your tongue. Speak out through the Holy Spirit and declare, Who art thou, O great mountain? Who are you, mortal man? Who are you, troop? Who are you, for the LORD of lords is leading us; therefore, thou shalt become a plain? Through the power of God, we shall bring you down. The barricade shall be broken; this is the DIVINE WORD OF POWER TO DISARM, sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and served to you through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Because the WORD OF GOD is more powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, USE IT IN THE BATTLE BEFORE YOU.
V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION – We shall run through the troop this month with the WORD OF GOD piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow of their troop.
PRAYER: God, as men depend on their earthly defensive forces, we will depend on your word, through which the thoughts and intents of the hearts of the forces against us will be revealed through Christ Jesus’ name. I pray AMEN.
REF: Psalm 18:29&30
Zechariah 4:6&7
Hebrews 4:12
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