I. DAUGHTER OF ZION, grace be unto thee, as we move into the sixth month, the LORD shall uplift you; the LORD will meet you at the point of your needs, the LORD will strengthen you, and the LORD will empower you for the journey ahead. Beloved, Peter at one point almost rented his house to Satan to use as a weapon of obstruction against Jesus Christ. It is NEEDFUL for us to be alert, for what comes out of our mouths portrays who occupies our hearts. What we say and do at each moment emanates from the spirit within. Who is in control of your heart? FOR THE HEART OF MAN WITHOUT GOD’S OCCUPANCY IS DECEITFUL AND ABOVE ALL WICKED.
II. SON OF MAN: When you are confronted with a demonic-possessed person, don’t attack the personality, for he or she just momentarily lost focus and rented that house to the evil one who took possession of that body to use. Jesus Christ turned and said unto Peter, GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN: thou art an offence unto me; for thou savourest not the things that are of God but those that are of men. TENANCY IS TEMPORAL, OWNERSHIP IS PERMANENT. As Satan moves around looking for houses to rent, the heart of a man, let us be vigilant. Don’t rent your house ‘body’ which is the temple of God, to Satan; he will destroy it. When Satan occupies your heart, your actions lead to destruction. Guard the door of your heart. REFLECT ON THE WORDS FOR A SECOND BEFORE IT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.
III. PRECIOUS FRIEND, GUARD THY HEART (Temple) WITH ALL DILIGENCE; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Protect the door of your heart with the Holy Ghost at all times, for that is the only way to prevent Satan from temporal occupancy. When thy have secured the door of your heart, let thine EYES LOOK RIGHT ON, and let thine EYELIDS LOOK STRAIGHT before thee. What you see and hear, can be used to distract you. What you see and hear, can entrap you. What you see and hear can lead you astray. YOUR FALL OR RISE COMES FROM WHAT YOU SEE AND HEAR, LET’S BE WATCHFUL.
IV. BRETHREN, Peter asked Ananias, “Why has Satan occupied thy heart’s house” to LIE TO THE HOLY GHOST and keep back a portion of the land’s price?” Satan filled people with lies and schemes to seek out underserved favours. Whose interests are you serving today? Who is using you today? Who is your master today? Who has contracted you today? Who are you communicating with today? Who are you sitting in counsel with today? This is a DIVINE WORD for sober reflection sent forth through the Authority of Christ Jesus and served to the brethren through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, LET HIM DENY HIMSELF, AND TAKE UP HIS CROSS, AND FOLLOW ME.
V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION – My house is not for rent, GOD has already taken occupancy, no vacancy for anyone
PRAYER: May the Lord be our strength; may we invite the Holy Ghost to be on 24/7 guard duty in our house ‘body’ through Christ Jesus’ name I pray AMEN
REF: Matthew 16:22-24
Acts 5:3-9
Proverbs 4:23-25
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