I. BELOVED IN THE LORD, during this festive period, fear not, fret not of the physical impossibilities before you. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. Good news shall knock at your door. For this is your portion to close the year 2022 and catapult you into 2023. Even if the news sounds not too pleasant initially, beloved within and through the spirit of God, it shall be good news in the end. YOU SHALL END THE YEAR REJOICING IN THE LORD. YOU SHALL receive empowerment TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION IN 2023.

II. MY DEAR FRIEND, what is your name? what name have they given to you? Today, this week and as JEHOVAH prepares us to enter the new month of January and a new year, the JEHOVAH-ADONAI says, “Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel.” Your moment to experience CHANGE OF NAME FROM JACOB TO ISRAEL HAS COME, beloved travail a little longer for the manifestation of your change. YOU MUST ENCOUNTER A CHANGE OF NAME NEXT YEAR. YOU SHALL NOT REMAIN THE SAME AGAIN IN 2023.
III. MY BELOVED SISTER AND MY DEAR BROTHER, God has removed that JACOB GARMENT AND ADORN YOU WITH ISRAEL GARMENT. YOU SHALL SEE THE CHANGE OF NAME MANIFESTATION. Our El-Shaddai, God Almighty says YOU SHALL be fruitful and multiply due to the change of name. YOU WILL become a great nation, even many nations. Kings will be among your descendants which is the MANIFESTATION OF CHANGE OF NAME FROM JANUARY 2023. THE WORLD WILL ACKNOWLEDGE YOU. That is the power of God, He speaks to establish it and so shall it be unto you. FOR WE HAVE A HERITAGE IN CHRIST JESUS.

IV. DAUGHTER OF ZION AND SON OF MAN, for JEHOVAH-RAAH says you are no longer JACOB, you are from this day forth called ISRAEL, there is power in a name; WHAT NAME WILL YOU RESPOND TO, Jacob or Israel? This is a DIVINE WORD OF KNOWLEDGE revealed through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and serve you through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! What is your name? What names do you respond to?
V. 2022 MY EMPOWERED SEASON TO DETHRONE AND ENTHRONED – cling to the old rugged cross that in the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.
PRAYER: Lord we surrender therefore let it be according to your word through Christ Jesus’ name Amen!
REF: Luke 2:10
Genesis 35:10&11
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