I. DAUGHTER OF ZION AND SON OF MAN, may the mercy of God locate you this week. Beloved because of the GRACE you will sail through the turbulent weather therefore fear not. For the WILL of God will never lead you, where the GRACE of God cannot keep you, where the arms of God cannot support you, where the riches of God cannot supply your needs and where the power of God cannot endow you. GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN CHRIST JESUS.

II. MY DEAR BROTHER IN THE LORD, remember that if you got to that table of noble men and women through the will of God, through that same WILL you will experience the spirit of God, through that WILL, the wisdom of God will teach you, and the army of God will protect you. YOU SHALL NOT FAIL AS THE POWER OF GOD WILL CONTINUE TO SURROUND YOUR PRESENCE
III. BELOVED SISTER through that WILL the Word of God concerning you will come to pass, through that WILL your life will be full of miracles, and through that WILL the omnipresence God will always be with you. THIS WEEK AS YOU SAIL THROUGH, GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU AND YOU SHALL BE GLAD.
IV. DEARLY BELOVED IN THE LORD, Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request, through that WILL your request has been granted, this is DIVINE Kingdom-focused encouragement sent forth through the power of Christ Jesus and serve to the brethren through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, yes! Let us go BACK TO THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE AS APPROVED WORKMEN WHO ARE NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL.
V. 2022 MY EMPOWERED SEASON TO DETHRONE AND ENTHRONED – give me the old-time religion which gives us the confidence that, if we ask anything according to his WILL, he heareth us: And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

PRAYER: Lord it is time through your powers for me to shake myself from the dust; arise, pursue, capture and take possession in 2023 and sit down: It is time to lose MYSELF FROM THE BANDS OF MY NECK. LORD, I pray to possess my possessions through thy power and authority. Lord shake up systems and break down the status quo for my breakthrough through Christ Jesus’ name I pray AMEN.
REF: I Chronicles 4:10
I John 5:14&15
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