Opoku Adomako, alias “lawyer man,” denied conspiring with one George Osei Bonsu, also known as Saint Paul, who was absent from Court, to steal several spare parts worth GHC12,000.00.
The Court, presided over by Ms Enid Marful-Sau, ordered that Adomako’s sureties must deposit their valid national identification cards at the Court’s registry.
The court also ordered Adomako to report to the police on Wednesdays until further notice.
The prosecution is also to file and serve Adomako with the necessary disclosures and witness statements by August 6, 2024, the next adjourned date.
Police Chief Inspector Salifu Nashiru told the Court that Mr Abednego Atrikpe, the complainant, is a mechanic who lives in Teacherkope, near Pokuase.
He said Adomako is a blacksmith who lives in his workshop in Goku, near Amasaman, with his apprentice, Bonsu, alias Sean Paul.
According to Chief Inspector Nashiru, on May 8, 2024, at about 1430 hours, Adomako and Bonsu entered Mr Atrikpe’s workshop and stole some used vehicle parts.
These included a long shaft valued at GHC1,400.00, a set of pistons costing GHC3,000.00, four pieces of brake pots worth GHC2,800.00, six pieces of brake shoes for GHC4,200.00 and two connecting rods at GHC700.00, totalling GHC12,100.00.
Chief Inspector Nashiru said Mr Atrikpe then made a report to the Police in Amasaman leading to the arrest Adomako and Bonsu.
He said during investigations, two brake pots were retrieved from them.
Adomako and Bonsu alleged that the spare parts were scraps and that they sold them out to an unnamed buyer.
After investigations they were charged with the offences and put before court.