I. DAUGHTER OF ZION, and David asked, is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, THAT I MAY SHEW HIM KINDNESS FOR JONATHAN’S SAKE? This month it shall be asked, is there anyone zealous of the Lord that the king may show him or her kindness for Christ’s sake? Your labour of love for the brethren has opened a door of kindness which you will be ushered into. Sister fear not, for the news of your faithfulness and hard work has dropped into the ear of the Authorities and a branch of kindness would be extended to you. GOD HAS DECIDED TO CAUSE MEN TO SHOW YOU KINDNESS THIS MONTH.

II. SON OF MAN, for your sake the King, would ask questions, is there anyone that I should show him kindness? Is there anyone that I should promote? Is there anyone that I should bless financially? Is there anyone with whom I should open the door of fruitfulness? Is there anyone that I should usher into the marital grace? GOD is asking, for this month your blessings will fall. Brother for your sake the King will summon men and women of power into his courtyard to inquire of you. And the king asked, is there not yet any of the house of Saul, THAT I MAY SHEW THE KINDNESS OF GOD UNTO HIM? You are about to experience THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD through men. IT IS THE LORD WHO WILL TUNE THE HEART OF THE KING TO SHOW YOU THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD.
III. PRECIOUS FRIEND, this TRINITY MONTH, GOD is about to do something wonderful in your life. You will encounter tangible landmarks of blessings. And Ziba said unto the king, JONATHAN HATH YET A SON, WHICH IS LAME ON HIS FEET. My beloved sister and my dear brother you don’t qualify to enter the courtyard of the President yet God will tune the heart of the King to extend to you THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD to enter. That gate will open for you. Due to your faithfulness, God will cause men to give you that contract. You stood for the Lord, therefore God is about to honour you. CONTINUE TO LOOK UP TO THE LORD, FOR THAT KIND OF KINDNESS MUST COME FROM ABOVE AND MEN WILL DEFINITELY OBEY THAT DIVINE ORDERS.

IV. BELOVED IN THE LORD, due to THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD motorcade shall lead you to and fro. Escorts will usher you into that elevated position because of THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD. A door is about to open and you shall walk on the red carpet because of THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD. THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD will change your fortune. THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD will place you at a table of noblemen and women. This is THAT DIVINE KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD’S MESSAGE to whip you up for faithfulness this TRINITY MONTH sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and serve to YOU through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Through THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD your territory of influence shall be enlarged.
V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION – For my sake, the king shall ask, what shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour?

PRAYER: May you receive THAT KIND OF KINDNESS OF GOD’S blessings
for your breakthrough this TRINITY month of March through Jesus Christ name amen!
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Minority Leader accuses government of alleged intimidation