I. Daughter of Zion, you are being cautioned through the word of God; be careful about wine, which is a mocker. Once wine gets into your system, it gets you intoxicated, and gradually you lose your dignity, and people begin to mock you. Who are the people who have infiltrated your system and made others mock you? Not only are we to be careful about wine, but I charge you today to begin to be cautious about people and things that easily, gradually, and unassumingly get you intoxicated, as very soon the world will begin to mock you. Refrain from anything that will make the world mock you. Abstaining from such a behaviour for wine is indeed a mockery.
II. Son of Man, abstain from strong drinks that have the ability to lead you to engage in rough or noisy fights or quarrels. Do you have a strong drinking personality as a friend? Are you familiar with the characteristics of a strong drink? Withdraw from such acts and personalities, for whoever is led astray by a strong drink is not wise. Do not allow people with the characteristics of wine or strong drinks to lead you astray; wake up and resist them. Do not open your door for people to enter and mock you. Guard the door of your heart and restrain your eyes from seeing what is abominable, for you shall save your life from the path of destruction. Little wasteful talk, indulging in the affairs of others, and sitting in the way of sinners will drag your life along the pathway of destruction.
III. My Beloved Sisters and Brothers in Christ, what are you addicted to that is gradually drawing you away? What is drawing you away from your family? What is beginning to separate you from God and your love for godly living? Are you with the winning team, or are you on the losing side? What is your posture towards the daily battles of life? What are your pronouncements? What is your mindset, positive or negative? What do you wish for? May the Lord enlighten your spirit of understanding and uplift your discerning spirit to stay away from bad companions as you engage in spiritual warfare. BE NOT DECEIVED, “EVIL COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD HABITS”. Who are your friends? What social media platforms are you consuming your time on? Are you fighting the same kind of battle? Are they encouraging you to press on, or are they distracting you? DON’T ALLOW SOCIETY TO DIVERT YOUR ATTENTION ON THE BATTLEFIELD.
IV. Precious friend, be warned, for a man with too many friends on the battlefield comes to ruin. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. In the multitude of friends, there is bound to be a Judas Iscariot who will betray you. Choose your friends carefully, in view of the battle ahead. On the battlefield of life, there is a Peter who is destined to deny you when the war gets tough. You might be Joseph in the midst of the sons of Jacob at your workplace; walk with wisdom. There is a Potiphar’s wife who will try to seduce you; be vigilant. THERE IS A HAMAN WHO IS PLOTTING TO DESTROY YOU. REMEMBER AT ALL TIMES THAT YOU ARE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE. This is a DIVINE BULLET TO ARM THE SOLDIER to fight on, sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus, and serve the troops through God’s Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Deliverance will surely come from another source, and who knows what will become of you?
V. V. 2023 MY DIVINE YEAR TO PURSUE, CAPTURE, AND TAKE POSSESSION: I will move away from evil communicators
PRAYER: Lord shield me from bad companions, expose all Judas ISCARIOTS, and deliver me from the hands of Haman through Christ Jesus’ name I pray Amen
REF: Proverbs 20:1
I Corinthians 15:33&34
Proverbs 13:20
Ephesians 5:6&7
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